Some Basic Git Instructions For Github For Mac

2020. 2. 7. 17:56카테고리 없음

  1. 2008-4-10  Windows是一个 Metro 风格应用程序,集成了自包含版本的 Git,bash 命令行 shell,PowerShell 的 posh-git 扩展。GitHub 为 Windows. GitHub上已自动配置的Mac Linux.
  2. Git Going Fast: One Hour Git Crash Course. Learn the key concepts and basic workflow for Git and GitHub with this easy to follow, top rated, bootcamp-style course.
  1. Some Basic Git Instructions For Github For Mac Mac

If you want to install the basic Git tools on Linux via a binary installer, you can generally do so through the package management tool that comes with your distribution.

Some Basic Git Instructions For Github For Mac

.I've looked pretty carefully (I believe), and have been unsuccessful at getting an installation of Git for my Mac. For various reasons, I'm running 10.6.8 of Mac OS X and will not be changing that anytime soon. I've already gathered and installed the bundle exposed here: The installation instructions are pretty clear, and it's obvious to me that the package installed. But any attempts to use the git client from the command line result in an 'Illegal Instruction' error.

I've sifted pretty carefully through information available here: There is another bundle that seems to be available. It is called 'GitHub for Mac 1.7.5, but it appears to require Mac OS X 10.7 or later. Has anyone else encountered this difficulty? Must I build from source? I'm a couple of hours of reading and hacking into this effort? Is there something obvious that I've not considered?

Some Basic Git Instructions For Github For Mac Mac

Git on the commandline In this section you will:. install and configure Git locally. create your own local clone of a repository. create a new Git branch. edit a file and stage your changes.

commit your changes. push your changes to GitHub. make a pull request. merge upstream changes into your fork. merge changes on GitHub into your local clone So far we’ve done all our Git work using the GitHub website, but that’s usually not the most appropriate way to work.

You’ll find that most of your Git-related operations can and need to be done on the commandline. $ git status # On branch amend-my-name # Changes not staged for commit: # (use 'git add.' To update what will be committed) # (use 'git checkout -.' To discard changes in working directory) # # modified: attendeesandlearners.rst # no changes added to commit (use 'git add' and/or 'git commit -a') What this is telling us:.

we’re on the amend-my-name branch. that we have one modified file. that there’s nothing to commit These changes will only be applied to this branch when they’re committed. You can git add changed files, but until you commit they won’t belong to any particular branch. Push your changes to GitHub When you made a change on GitHub, it not only saved the change and committed the file at the same time, it also showed up right away in your GitHub repository. Here there is an extra step: we need to push the files to GitHub. If you were pushing changes from master locally to master on GitHub, you could just issue the command git push and let Git work out what needs to go where.

It’s always better to be explicit though. What’s more, you have multiple branches here, so you need to tell git where to push (i.e. Back to the remote repository you cloned from, on GitHub) and what exactly to push (your new branch). The repository you cloned from - yours - can be referred to as origin. The new branch is called amend-my-name. You could of course have merged your new branch into your master branch, and sent me a pull request from that.

But, once again, it’s a good policy to keep your master branch, on GitHub too, clean of changes you make, and only to pull things into it from upstream. In fact the same thing goes for other branches on my upstream that you want to work with. Keeping them clean isn’t strictly necessary, but it’s nice to know that you’ll always be able to pull changes from upstream without having to tidy up merge conflicts.